Slavery and human trafficking statement

Creative Living Care believes that exploitation is wrong. It is committed to ensuring that acts of slavery and human trafficking do not occur in the Organisations activities and day to day business.

Creative Living Care believes that exploitation is wrong. It is committed to ensuring that acts of slavery and human trafficking do not occur in the Organisations activities and day to day business.

This Statement sets out:

  • Our Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement for the financial year ending 31st March 2024 in accordance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (“the Act”).

  • The ways in which Creative Living Care seeks to ensure that its activities and supply chains are free from slavery and human trafficking

  • The actions the service plans to take in the financial year 2023/24 to continue its support of the Act.

Creative Living Care Policies

Creative Living Care requires high standards of responsible behaviour within the organisation and from its external suppliers (where applicable). Its Staff Code of Conduct explains the our core values and the expected behaviours within the service.

The following policies ensure that Creative Living Care acts properly in its business relationships, implements and enforces effective systems and controls and conducts its activities in an ethical and transparent manner:

  • Equality and Diversity Policy: This sets out our standards of engagement and practices to all employees (and volunteers) attached to Creative Living Care.

  • Safer Recruitment Policy: Our Policies include “right to work in the UK checks” and payment for all employees of at least the National Living Wage to safeguard against human trafficking and being forced to work against will.

  • Safeguarding Policy: This helps everyone to be alert for, to identity and report any potential safeguarding issues including those relating to slavery and human trafficking.

  • Whistleblowing Policy: This emphasises that all employees (and volunteers) know that they can, without fear of reprisal, raise concerns about the treatment of individuals connected with Creative Living Care or practices within the Service.

Our due diligence

Creative Living Care has a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery and is committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business dealings and relationships. We also ensure there is transparency in our own business and in our approach to tackling modern slavery throughout our day to day business which is consistent with our disclosure obligations under the Modern Slavery Act 2015. Creative Living Care will not support or deal with any business knowingly involved in slavery or human trafficking.


To maintain awareness and ensure a high level of understanding of the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking, employees have received training that ensures everyone who needs to be aware has access to the training.

Statement Authorisation

This Statement was approved by the Social Work Consultant and Director of Creative Living Care. It was reviewed on the 12th January 2024. Next reviewed is set for the 11th January 2025 (yearly updates required).

Name: Matt Hughes | Social Work Consultant & Director of Creative Living Care