About us

Creative Living Care was registered in October 2019. We have quickly established ourselves as leaders within England and Wales in delivering quality accommodation, support and care for children and young people leaving care.

We are made up of highly skilled social workers, managers, substance misuse and mental health professionals with over 30 years work experience within the social work and care sector. Creative Living Care is run by experts within the field of Social Work and Social Care and therefore we have comprehensive knowledge, experience and delivery of supporting children and young people known to Children’s Social Care.

Theory Informed Practice

We are person-centred and able to provide quality support, whilst also being an economical option for local authorities. We work in partnership with children and young people to provide a safe, structured and nurturing experience.

At Creative Living Care we use strengths-based approaches that build upon the strengths of young people we support and accommodate. We look to expand, develop and support pre-existing coping strategies to contribute to finding solutions to difficulties and using positive reinforcement which incorporates lots of praise for their achievements. It’s an approach whereby staff work in partnership with young people.

We also utilise Systemic Practice and PACE, which is adopted in all of our work with young people requiring our support and accommodation. We work in a task-centred way where objectives are identified in a support plan that feeds into the young people’s pathways plans.

Promoting all children and young people’s wishes and feelings

As a person-centred service, all young people we support and accommodate are at the core of what we do. We recognise the importance of respecting the views and wishes of young people and there is a strong focus on advocacy and empowerment. Young people must have a voice in the care and support they receive and decisions that are being made about them. We want them to transition into adulthood feeling confident and empowered to convey their views, wishes and feelings constructively in order to get their needs met.

Prior to a child or young person entering our care, we endeavour to meet with them at least once. We also complete a joint meeting between us and Children’s Social Care to complete an complete a ‘Signs of Safety’ (Strengths Based Approach) Plan with them. This highlights their strengths, worries, wishes and future goals. It also records past concerns, worries and professionals involved. This approach allows us to clearly document the child’s or young person’s wishes at the earliest opportunity and evidences our commitment in providing an open, honest and transparent relationship with those in our care.

Each key work/support session is recorded on CLC Case Management System and is crossed referenced against their individual plans (E.G. ‘Health Appointment’, ‘Education’ etc). Utilising these mechanisms of practice assists staff in creating professional boundaries that do not compromise the integrity and importance of forming pro-social (work-client) relationships with all young people in the care of Creative Living Care.

Partner Councils